Aids Against Starvation
In West Africa

At ASWA-Foundation we believe that all Children and Women in the world have the right to be
cared for and the right to be protected. We exist to make giving and selfless services go further.
Together we can transform lives and communities across several African Countries.

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ASWA Overview

Established in 2010 in Washington DC, Aids Against Starvation In West Africa (ASWA INC.) is an international 501c (3) charitable organization that is dedicated to fight poverty and bring positive change in Africa. Aids Against Starvation In West Africa is led and supported by a multigenerational, ethnically & geographically diverse board with a variety of experience in organizational management, program development, and business development. The organization functions at the international level where supporters, volunteers, employees, members, Ambassadors and board of directors live athwart the world. ASWA also works very hard to establish credibility, build long-lasting relationships with institutions in the private sector, local community leaders, and government agencies who can assist us implement our programs thereby giving a voice to deprived and vulnerable children and women of Africa.


Primary engage in community improvement and social change, ASWA mission is to contribute to the Economic and Social development of Africa by promoting and expanding education efforts along with community development initiatives.


The Aids Against Starvation In West Africa vision is to achieve positive social change and community improvement in Africa where the Children and Women become healthy, educated, self-sustaining and contributing members of society.

Demographic Focuses

Aids Against Starvation In West Africa (ASWA) demographic focuses are Children and Women. Yet, the organization strives to help children and Women across the African continent overcome all problems connected with poverty to become healthy, educated, self-sustaining and contributing members of society. This goal is achieved mainly through a set of Projects and Programs carefully designed to address the immediate and basic needs of children and women, and provide them with the tools and opportunities necessary to become successful within their communities.

  1. Help the Future of African children

    Education is the key to overcoming the poverty that many children are born into in the developing world. Aids Against Starvation In West Africa works locally to support African Children in their education and growth. ASWA is inspired and driven by the potential that is inherent in all children who are the future of Africa; the potential not only to survive but to succeed and ultimately become leaders who bring positive change for those around them within their respective communities and build in the future a stable political environment and strong economic in Africa.

  2. Empowering women in Africa

    The Aids Against Starvation In West Africa (ASWA) brings economic and educational opportunities to deprived women in Africa, empowering them by giving them the skills and resources to improve their lives, and those around them. Women bear almost all responsibility for meeting basic needs of in most African’s family, yet are systematically denied the resources, information and freedom of action they need to fulfill this responsibility. Studies show that when women are supported and empowered, all of society benefits. Their families are healthier, more children go to school, agricultural productivity improves and incomes increase. In short, communities become more resilient.

Our Action and Activities

  1. Conferences - Panels

    Explore African Issues and bring possible solutions

  2. Fundraising Event

    Mostly cultural, dinners, Gala and Musical

  3. Virtual Forums

    The foundation manages discussions forum where it encourages everyone to bring ideas on how to solve specific problems. It has for objective to bring together everyone around the world in order to find solutions for Africa.

  4. Implementation of Projects and Programs on the ground in Africa

Sources of Our Funding

Striving to be a model for efficient and sustainable social benefit enterprise, supports its global impact with a diversity of income streams and in-kind support:

  1. Fundraiser Event Sponsors and Tickets fees and Donations for cultural arts, educational & entertainment events such as Ivorians’ Hope Special Event and “New Year – New Hope” Benefit Gala to help build playgrounds for the children in Africa.

  2. Our Donors – Embassies, foundations and individuals, who recognize that West African Foundation With Aids (ASWA) works offers them an opportunity to make a vital impact investment in the future shape of society. West African Foundation With Aids (ASWA) is a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization and all donations are tax-deductible to the maximum extent allowed by law. Get Involved/Donate.

  3. Partners in West African Foundation With Aids (ASWA), primarily leading Sustainable Businesses who, enhancing their corporate responsibility commitments, provide funding and in-kind donations (such as services, office supply, hardware, software and connectivity) to support us in fulfilling our mission.

As appropriate, Aids Against Starvation In West Africa (ASWA) recognizes our partners and donors in our events and invites them, as they choose, to participate in our global programs.

ASWA Stands Firm On the Following Positons

  1. Aids Against Starvation In West Africa (ASWA) foundation is the change Machine for Social improvement in Africa.

  2. We believe that being united by putting together our knowledge, expertise and strength to serve Africa will bring positive change.

  3. Education is the key for social change; it is correlated with several social development outcomes; among these are health, the education of children, the ability to develop, learn or adapt new ideologies to local environment, and build institutions and a sense of nationhood.

  4. Empowering and educating African women on social issues, ease the process of social change.

  5. African Women must be supported and empowered, and the society will benefit. Their families will be healthier; more children will go to school.

Declaration of Principles

  1. Diversity and Unity

    Diversity is our strength and unity is our culture; we bring together a diverse set of operation team member’s comprise of board members and volunteers from various backgrounds and ethnicity to serve Africa.

  2. Accountability and Integrity

    we demonstrate a high level of integrity and accountability both personal and organizational to benefit the children and women of Africa and for our reputation and self-esteem.

  3. Our Responsibility to children and women in Africa

    We will provide the children and women adequate tools to improve their living stack and get healthier and more educated. This is made possible through a set of carefully design Projects and programs.

  4. What we Value

    We value Education, Health, Human Right and Social development.

  5. Aids

    We act as advocate to come to the aid children and women of Africa by defending their right and well-being. Collaboration and Communication We collaborate with other organizations with common goal or interest and communicate with members, volunteers and supporters.