Aids Against Starvation
In West Africa

At ASWA-Foundation we believe that all Children and Women in the world have the right to be
cared for and the right to be protected. We exist to make giving and selfless services go further.
Together we can transform lives and communities across several African Countries.

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Our Programs

ASWA-Foundation is working around the African continent to relieve poverty. The primary purpose of our community-based programs is to help in mmitigating impoverished African communities out of poverty and enhance their wellbeing.

Project Playground

Provide Better Playground Facilities for youngsters. Children faced with no playgrounds at all, must resort to playing in busy thoroughfares.

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Program Playground

Christmas Wish Programs

Every year, ASWA throws Christmas parties for orphans and deprived children who do not have relations or families capable of throwing their own party.

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Christmas Wish Programs

School Support

Our school support program is designed to help children get started with school.Most parents in Africa often cannot afford school supplies to their children.

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School Support