Aids Against Starvation
In West Africa

At ASWA-Foundation we believe that all Children and Women in the world have the right to be
cared for and the right to be protected. We exist to make giving and selfless services go further.
Together we can transform lives and communities across several African Countries.

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Information Technology Training

Information Technology Training

The Digital Divide and Women- Bridging the digital divide to the Women in developing countries. ASWA is partnering with a local organization, URANSYS, to provide free computer training to women in Africa. The goal is to bridge the gender divide in access to information technology, a divide that the United Nations regards as one of the top three issues facing women globally. The courses will cover programming and IT security. This computer training will give the women confidence, and vital job skills. Women who complete the program will be a certificate that will allow them to look for a job. URANUSYS is a group of consulting and integration Computer solutions exercising in areas of New Technologies grace Infrastructure, and Security systems reliable, Architecture and IT Infrastructure Management of any kind.

There is a huge gap between those people who can make effective use of technologies and those who cannot. Unequal adoption of technology excludes women in developing countries such as the Ivory Coast from reaping the benefits of the technology. Consequently, the technological divide is being increasingly felt throughout the country. Serious obstacles still continue in achieving gender equality in the work place. Cultural attitudes and gender stereotyping are impediments to education leading to more men than women in scientific and technical careers and in decision-making positions, thus increasing gender inequity. Our community-based women's training program will be instrumental in the process of enabling women to cross the so-called digital divide and become confident. With women's empowerment as a key objective, they will be able to use technology to successfully build personal confidence and self-esteem that has had wider implications in their lives. For what is worth, the Digital Divide is presently at the center of international development concerns. The United Nations considers access to information technology as the third most important issue facing women globally, after poverty and violence against women. The primary objective of ASWA is to focus on the issue of digital divide in relation to women in developing countries. The opportunities created for women and challenges posed to their participation in the workforce for reaping the benefits offered by information and communication technologies will be explored. We will teach women measures to alleviate the digital divide and transform it into an opportunity for growth and development.